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What is Moxibustion and How Can it Help

Traditional Chinese medicine is a medical system that incorporates numerous methods for treating disease and illness. One of the tools found in the toolbox of the Traditional Chinese medicine practitioner is known as moxibustion.

This technique involves the burning of mugwort, known as “moxa”, which is an herb that facilitates healing. The purpose of moxibustion is to stimulate the flow of Qi (pronounced “chee”), strengthen the blood and maintain general health. Qi is translated as life energy. continue reading »

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Does Medicare cover acupuncture?

As of January 2020, Medicare covers acupuncture treatment for chronic low back pain, according to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The coverage is subject to limitations on the number of sessions and the type of provider administering the treatment.
Currently, Licensed Acupuncturists (L. Ac.) are NOT recognized by CMS as Medicare providers and therefore are NOT eligible to bill Medicare for acupuncture services.  This results in patients paying out of pocket for all services.
Please call our office at 563-582-7878 if you have additional questions or for more details.
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Herbs & Acupressure Points for Coronavirus

herbs and acupuncture for coronavirus

As we learn to navigate this new world where an ever looming virus is present, it’s important to learn which ways we can help ourselves and loved ones,get through a time of illness.. Below are herbal remedies and acupressure points for self-care to help aid with symptoms of COVID-19 such as coughing, shortness of breath and fevers. continue reading »

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4 Ways To Support Your Kids: Back-To-School & COVID

2020 has proven to be a year of trials and growth for all of us. With a new school year just around the corner, it’s important to have an open dialogue with our children about what to expect, how to stay safe and how they can express themselves even with certain restrictions. continue reading »

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Acupressure Points to Help Depression

We’re confident that you’ve heard of acupuncture, but do you know where it comes from?

The study and practice of acupuncture and acupressure have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years and is an ancient healing technique. Acupressure and acupuncture apply the same principles, but acupressure uses pressure points instead of needles to achieve the desired results. continue reading »

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