Elements Acupuncture celebrates the third pregnancy in a two week stretch. Acupuncture is well known for its ability to help with infertility, but this is unusual. Joel says simple hormone imbalances can take up to 90 days to regulate and more serious conditions can take 6-12 months and may require herbal medicine as well.
The treatment of infertility with acupuncture and Chinese medicine dates back 2,000 years. These ancient, time-tested techniques improve fertility rates and support a woman’s whole body, unlocking unlimited potential for health, healing and childbearing.
A landmark study published in the medical journal Fertility & Sterility found that acupuncture dramatically improves the chances of becoming pregnant when used in conjunction with other assisted reproductive techniques. Researchers from Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York reviewed studies and concluded that acupuncture helps to:
- increase blood flow to the uterus, which improves the chances of an ovum implanting on the uterine wall
- reduces anxiety, stress, and the hormones that are secreted during stressful situations that can significantly decrease fertility
- normalize hormone and endocrine systems that regulate ovulation, especially in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome
- positively affect the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, which plays a key role in fertility
- regulate menstrual cycle